It is the second most common replacement surgery performed, after knee. Why do you need Total Hip Replacement If you’re experiencing hip pain, it could be due to a number of conditions. Among the most common are avascular necrosis, hip arthritis, hip fracture, and dysplasia of the hip. Avascular necrosis occurs when the ball of the hip joint becomes dead and deformed, producing pain as it moves. This can be caused by smoking, steroid abuse, hip fracture, or blood disorders like sickle cell anemia. Hip arthritis can be caused by age-related wear and tear, rheumatoid arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis. Hip fractures are treated differently depending on the patient’s age. Young patients undergo fracture fixation, while very elderly patients receive partial hip replacements. Patients between 50-70 years old who can achieve an active lifestyle are treated with total hip replacement. Dysplasia of the hip occurs when the hip joint is deformed, either due to a birth defect like congenital dislocation of the hip or acquired during childhood due to conditions like perthes disease, SCFE, or septic arthritis.
Surgery, implants, cost and recovery
Whatever the cause is, the aim of hip surgery is to have a stable and painless hip so that patients can lead an active lifestyle. The success rate of this procedure is around 95%, but it’s important to note that no surgery comes without complications. The most common complications are infection, dislocations, and limb length changes. However, pain is well managed with various choices of painkillers, and the patient’s stay in the hospital is usually 3-4 days after surgery.
There is a wide range of implants available in the market, including Indian-made implants that start at around 50k. However, these lack long-term studies to determine the longevity of the implants. On the other hand, implants from international companies start at around 90k. The average cost of surgery with an Indian implant in a mediocre set up falls to around 1.5 lakhs, while a good implant in a good hospital setup costs around 2-2.5 lakhs.
There are two types of implants – cemented and uncemented. If your surgeon has done a cemented hip replacement, you can walk immediately after surgery. However, if uncemented, you are expected to walk after 4-6 weeks. Until then, you can sit in bed, chair, use western toilet, walk with the help of a walker, and even sleep on the side of surgery.
The life of good implants is expected to be around 20 years, which is great news for patients looking for a long-term solution to their hip problems.
Life after Hip replacement
While many activities of daily life including running, driving, swimming, etc can be resumed after the procedure, there are precautions that should be taken to ensure the longevity of the implant. Activities such as using an Indian toilet and sitting cross-legged on the floor can cause high stress on the hip joint and potentially lead to complications like dislocation. While there are implants available that allow for these activities, they can increase the cost of the surgery.
Patients with medical diseases
Patients can now receive better care and management thanks to the modernization of clinical medicine. Conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, breathing diseases, thyroid disorders, and more can be effectively managed by a team of doctors. With proper diligence, patients can even undergo surgery to improve their health. The healthcare industry continues to advance, providing individuals with hope for a healthier future.
For further queries, you can definitely connect with us or schedule an appointment.